Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Thought #1: Alright - this is a very silly question but one that keeps popping back up in my head. So here it is:

If I'm supposed to wear a "flesh-colored" bra underneath white shirts so that the bra doesn't stand out, what color bra would someone that is dark-skinned wear? Would they wear a black bra? Because that would still stand out...Hmmmm - one of life's little mysteries.


~ Yes, I do realize that I probably shouldn't let people see into my thoughts because they get pretty scary sometimes! LOL ~

Thought #2: What is up with this fashion of making blouses that make women look like they are trying to conceal a pregnancy!?!? I don't get it...pregnant women don't even wear tops that look like this anymore - what makes the fashion gurus that be decide that regular women want to wear them? Is it that fashion has just accepted that women have belly flab now and they want to wear something that will hide it. I mean I'm all for not having to see muffin tops and whale tails anymore (Thank GOD that fad went away!!!)...but circus tents? What gives people?? I ask this because I put on this blouse this morning that I bought a couple weeks ago and I don't know what I was thinking when I bought it because this morning offered a whole new perspective (I am convinced that the department stores do something with their lighting/dressing room mirrors that magically makes you look better in something than you really do...it's a conspiracy I tell ya! Obama says he is going to stimulate the economy and making women think they look good in something so they buy it will definitely stimulate it!). So I put it on this morning thinking I'm going to look all cute and instead I look like I am about 4 months pregnant and trying to hide it because it is just so A-line. Well, I did fix the problem by throwing on a little black belt and now I look ultra-stylish...but still - what is with this fashion deal anyways? I want blouses that make me look thinner than I really am - not bigger!!!

Thought #3: I've been reading this book by Jennifer Lancaster called "Such a Pretty Fat" and I have to share one of the funniest things ever! It made me laugh to the point of tears...Okay, it's a memoir about her quest to get healthy and lose weight and she is deathly afraid of stepping on the scale to check her weight. So after about 3 times of trying to get on the scale and not being able to she decides she will put on her lycra bike shorts and exercise bra, do her hair and makeup, put on her pearls and take her picture so she can she herself shrink away each picture she takes. So she gets all dolled up, takes the picture and views it on her digital camera thinking "I look fiiiine". So she can't wait to get it downloaded on the computer to really see just how cute she is. She downloads it, brings it up and this is what she says" How the f**k did Jabba the Hut get in the bedroom and why is he wearing my pearls!!!!" LOL!!!!! Hilarious...great book so far!

Thought #4: Apparently I only have two original thoughts and one borrowed from Jen Lancaster...LOL Have a great day people!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Things the Army Teaches You...

I was talking to my Son this morning (thank you - he finally called!!!!) and he gave me a little list of things the Army has taught him that gave me quite the good little laugh. So here they are:

  1. He can now eat absolutely anything with a spoon - including salads
  2. He can sleep anywhere, anytime including in his foot locker
  3. He can sleep and still look like he is working

So there you have it - that's what the US Army has taught him! I couldn't help sharing...

Monday, January 12, 2009

I have some stuff on my mind lately so here are a couple random thoughts:

I wish my eyes were cameras and my brain was then downloadable to my computer because I really wish that I could just *blink* and take pictures of all the beautiful things I see on a daily basis. Like yesterday driving with the top down on the car down a street with maples in all the pretty fall colors and here a single solitary leaf floats down twisting and turning in the most perfect shape and colors...amazing!! I just want to be able to watch it again and again...

I think I am addicted to music...or more so to new music. I get such a high when I find a new song or artist that I just absolutely love. But then I find myself wanting more, More, MORE!!! It's not usually enough to find one song or one artist...I want a bunch! LOL It like sends me on a junkie quest or something...I have a hard time not wanting to buy out everything on iTunes and this new Genius thing they have is like a music junkies worst nightmare, or best friend depending on how you look at it!! Based off of what is in my library it tells me other songs I might like which usually sends me off on my junkie quest clicking links frantically trying to find that next high...it is awful!!! ;-) Sometimes I am fulfilled, sometimes I am not...but when I am - it feels SOOOOO good!!

I have been a reading a series of books and I am almost done...which makes me so sad!! I don't want it to end, but at the same time I can't stop myself from finishing it. The series is seven books and these are BIG books...about 700-800 pages each so I have spent a lot of time with these folks; Roland the Gunslinger, Eddie and Susannah, Jake and Oy all on their quest for The Dark Tower. The series is (obviously) The Dark Tower series by Stephen King about a Gunslinger in a land not so different from our own, but so very different at the same time. I should finish it during lunch today and then I just don't know WHAT I am going to read next!!! Any ideas????

Friday, December 26, 2008

Daisy and Me

I just got back from seeing a great movie, Marley and Me. I really didn't know what to expect since I haven't seen many commercials even (finding time to watch TV is rare...) but it sure was a fun, feel-good, tear-jerker of a movie!! It did make me realize how important our pets are in our lives...how they are just one of the family and how much we would miss by not having them there. My little Daisy pup is part of us...she is practically LIKE us. She loves to sleep in the bed, with her head on the pillow. Her favorite place in the house to hang out is in my office...I like to think it is because it is also MY favorite place in the house! :-) She is just so much a part of who we are. She is usually one of the first waiting to greet me when I come in and when else can you be greeted so sincerely!! There's nothing waiting in the background like did I complete something for her or did I remember to take out the trash or anything! Just pure, unadulterated joy to see us. Who could ask for more?!?!?

I know many times we take our animals for granted...but life would be so dull without them. I really think it is oftentimes through our pets that we learn what it means to love another unconditionally. No strings attached...

Here is a picture that I took on my cell phone that I just can't help sharing because it is just so quintesentially Daisy...she is on the couch in my office and the picture says it all...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas...No - REALLY!

Merry Christmas!!! :-) I know that in light of my recent post about what a Grinch I was being some may be thinking "oh - here comes the sarcasm..."...but No - REALLY!! Merry Christmas!!

I hope that it is a safe and happy holiday season for all...I'm killing time waiting to be off of work but am finally ready to begin the festivities. Today is my wedding anniversary - 20 years! That's just insane...and I think i am just about ready for the big day. I will of course be joining all the crazy last minute shoppers shortly because I am also one of those crazy last minute shoppers! LOL I don't have much I still need to get - just some little stuff to go with the presents I already have to complete them out. So I think I am finally ready!!

Again - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

I need a recipe...

The recipe I need is not one for chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies cut into stars and santas, or even fruitcake! The recipe I need is one to snap out of my Grinch funk!! I don't know what it is this year because it could be so many things...is it the crummy economy? The fact that I am working right up until Christmas day practically? The lack of time in general? Not having my kids home to share the holiday with? I really don't know...but whatever it is it is wrecking my holiday season!!!!!!
I am usually someone that absolutely LOVES the holidays! I love Thanksgiving and all its trimmings, I love putting up the tree and the lights, I love having cookies baking and candles burning, I love giving and getting gifts. But Christmas is less than a week away and I could CARE LESS!! What is wrong with me!!!!????!!!!! I feel like such a freaking GRINCH!!! I haven't even gotten a tree yet...
So I have been listening to Christmas music for the past two days, I've eaten some holiday goodies, the deer and Santa are out front on the lawn, we should be getting our tree tonight...I just need to figure out what the other missing ingredients to the recipe are because I'm trying really hard to not be such a grinch. (okay - this is hilarious...as I am typing this and listening to holiday music on some internet all Christmas all the time station they are playing "You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch"...I am totally not kidding...talk about sending the message loud and clear!!!)
So let me know if you have a couple of missing ingredients for me to add to my recipe...and in the meantime, Merry Freaking Christmas or something like that.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I Am Thankful…

As Thanksgiving nears, I didn't really think I could let it pass without spending at least a few moments reflecting on the things I am thankful for…so here goes!

I am thankful for my family – they are my rock and my everything…without them I just can't imagine what life would be like. I am thankful that they are all individuals that have their own way of doing things, even if I don't always agree with it! I am thankful that my husband took our vows seriously and has stuck with me through thick and thin, sickness and health, better and worse. Lord knows we have seen both sides of ALL of those!! LOL I am also thankful for my extended family – they have contributed to so many of my happy memories all the way from childhood to today…

I am thankful for our military – especially my two boys. It is amazing to me that thousands of young men and women sign up to possibly sacrifice their life for our country. They leave their families and go off to faraway lands sometimes going days, weeks and months without communicating with their loved ones, all while being in a place they don't know and where danger could lurk around any corner. I am sure it is not easy, but they do it anyways. I am thankful for that. With that, I am also thankful for my country – I am so glad I live someplace that I can say what I want, worship how I want, spend my money how I want and more! There are many places where they only dream of being able to do what they want and the USA isn't one of those! I am so thankful I have been blessed enough to be born here and know what freedom is.

I am thankful for my job – for all the drama that goes with it at times…it just isn't all that bad! I get paid a good wage that provides for a lot and I can usually go home at the end of the day feeling like I made a small difference in my little world. I know lots of times it is easier to complain about it, but in the end, I have to accept that it could be a heck of a lot worse!! And I'm thankful that it isn't!

I am thankful for my friends – I could again say, for all the drama that goes with it at times…LOL But I am thankful for them. What would I do if I didn't have my good friend that I trust (you know who you are!) that I can talk about anything with; or what would I do if I didn't have a friend that understands where I've been because they've known me for the past 10 years; or if I couldn't get together (way too seldom might I add) with the goddess girl that pours the wicked wax; or what would I do if I didn't have a terrific group of ladies that I could look forward to sharing lunch with each Wednesday? Life would just suck without those things!! J So I am very thankful for my little circle of friends – and I'm thankful that I have learned who my real friends are…

I am thankful for so much more…like sunsets, smiles, a laugh, football, a good movie, a good cry, a good book, Google, steak, my Saturday morning breakfasts with hubby, my students who always keep life interesting, candles, fires in the fireplace, crunchy leaves, bubble baths, dew on a blade of grass, the smell of baked goods in the oven, mist coming off of water, a beautiful moonlit evening, my bed, my home office that is my favorite place in the house, Black Friday shopping…I could go on and on!! There is just so much to be thankful for and it is something that I have to remind myself sometimes in these bleak times of financial distress…but there are so many simple things in life that it is important to be thankful for them every day and not just on a certain day of the year. So to all of those that contribute in any way, large or small, to my list – THANK YOU FOR BEING PART OF MY LIFE!!! It is you who make it worth living…